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PondXpert EasyFilter 20000 & UltraFlow 12000 Pump Set Thumbnail Image

PondXpert EasyFilter 20000 and UltraFlow 12000 Pump Set

Product Code: PXES20000
Was £339.98
RRP: £549.98 | Save £269.99 (49%)
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About the PondXpert EasyFilter 20000 and UltraFlow 12000 Pump Set

Manufacturer: PondXpert

Make a saving on this bargain large pump & filter set.

This set is perfect for a large pond (up to 20,000 litres, 4,400 gallons). As the filter is pressurised it opens up the option to run the clean water to the top of a waterfall. It also incorporates a handle to redirect flow from the usual flow to backwash/clean, meaning you can clean your sponges without switching off your pond pump. The supplied pump is also included which handles solids up to 6mm and features a new 'ECO' motor with low running costs.

This set contains the following components (please click links below for more information):
PondXpert UltraFlow 12000 pond pump
PondXpert EasyFilter 20000 pressure filter

PondXpert EasyFilter 20000 and UltraFlow 12000 Pump Set Features

Pump dimensions:
* Length: 25cm
* Width: 18cm
* Height: 11.5cm

Filter dimensions:
* Diameter: 41.3cm
* Height: 69.4cm

Pump wattage: 115w

UVC power: 18w (single-ended)

Power cable length:
Pump: 10m
Filter: 2.5m 

Pump: 3 years 
Filter: 1 year

Maximum pump flow-rate: 12,000lph

Maximum pump head height: 6.5m

Suitable hose size: 25/32/38/40mm

Quality mechanical filtration via cyclindrical foams

Bioballs in bottom chamber provides biological filtration

Filter inlet, outlet and waste 25-40mm

Easy-Change bulb facility on UVC

Pump features ceramic shaft for long life

Alternative Sizes

Reviews for PondXpert EasyFilter 20000 and UltraFlow 12000 Pump Set

Mr Alan Parr
22nd August 2020
Good combo it cleared the green water in 3 days
Trusted Customer
27th May 2017
I found the concept good but in service not so.After studying the poor manual,I realised the CLEAN and Filter Indications were wrong way round,and not clearly marked.The lever did not always seat so I was never sure if the water was all going were it should.I examined the lever internal mechanism and found the Teflon seal not sealing.The whole lot was treated with Vaseline and put back.The pond system ran for about 6 weeks until fish feeding started when the water became cloudy.Back-flushing did not help and the filter blockage device remained green.Opening the cover the sponges were coated in green algae.The pond filter continue this way with top sponge completely blocked but indicator still green.The spring in the filter indicator is too strong and even bleeding the air off under the indicator makes no differance.The UV lamp stopped working because the metal clips inside did not hold the bulb in place.
Trusted Customer
16th October 2015
Fantastic filter as they upgraded it to easyfilter 30000 crystal clear pond water. Very happy customer
Trusted Customer
7th August 2015
Up graded to 30000 and 13000 pump and filter thankyou guys
Trusted Customer
2nd July 2015
First class item would recommend, thanks.
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