About the PondXpert Anti-Cloudy Water - 1,000ml
Manufacturer: PondXpert
Clear your cloudy pond quickly.
All ponds will at some time appear cloudy due to waterborne algae & debris within the pond. PondXpert Anti-Cloudy Water solution works by clumping together these small particles which quickly fall to bottom of the pond, creating clear water without affecting the ponds biological balance. A cloudy pond can destroy your pond's biological balance, damaging plants and even killing fish. PondXpert Anti-Cloudy Water removes cloudiness, aids filtration and removes organic silt from the pond bed to provide clear water enjoyment.
PondXpert Anti-Cloudy Water - 1,000ml Features
1,000ml treats 22,750 litres (5,000 gallons)
Use when water is cloudy/dirty and brown or grey in appearance
Works by rapidly clumping suspended particles to each other, which will fall to the pond floor or be picked up by the filter
Harmless to all fish and pond life