About the Lotus Bio Master Pond Filter 12000
Manufacturer: Lotus
Whether you are a beginner or experienced water gardener, you will probably have one objective and that is to achieve a clean, clear healthy pond!
Ponds can be affected by various factors such as unconsumed fish food, decomposing vegetation and fish excrement. If these pollutants are allowed to accumulate, in time they will become harmful to your fish. The use of a biological filter will remove these toxins (ammonia, Nitrites) and provide good quality water with the additional benefit of reducing algae growth.
These are two stages of filtration in every Bio-Master Filter
Stage 1
Mechanical - Suspended particles are filtered as the water passes through layers of foam.
Green Foam: Course Grade
White Foam: Medium Grade (Excluding 2000 & 3000 model)
Blue Foam: Fine Grade (Excluding 2000 model)
Stage 2
Biological - Below the layers of foam, there is biological media called Flocor. The purpose of this media is to allow beneficial bacteria to grow on its surface. Once matured the bacteria will breakdown the harmful pond pollutants (ammonia & Nitrite) converting them into nitrate....which is naturally absorbed by pond plants.
Filter Installation
1. Ensure that all fittings are watertight.
site the filter on a firm level base so that the outlet is higher than the water surface of the pond, or above the height of the waterfall, if you choose to have one.
2. From the pump in the pond, attach a suitable size and length of hose to the inlet of the filter and secure using a hose clip
3. Your biological filter must be run 24 hours a day to maintain the bacteria colony
4. Please allow between 3 to 6 weeks for biological media to mature
Filter Maintenance
Your filter is fitted with an overflow system. If you see water entering the overflow, it is an indication that the foams will require cleaning.
Remove the foams individually and clean in a container of pond water. The foams contain some beneficial bacteria and it is important that they are not cleaned in tap water.
Re-Fit the foams before they dry and in the same order that they were removed dimpled side uppermost.
The Flocor media should not need cleaning, however, if you need to remove accumulated silt within the tank, then the media can be removed and laced into a container of pond water while the tank is cleaned (This will preserve the beneficial bacteria)
Lotus Bio Master Pond Filter 12000 Features
- Length: 69cm
- Width: 49cm
- Height: 37cm