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Where should I build my pond?

Where is it best to dig my pond?

06 July 2011
Where should I build my pond?

You can build your garden pond almost anywhere. However, there are a few design considerations that will help you on your way.

Build your pond where it is easily accessible

Don’t build your pond too close to your house or perimeter wall. Leave space for pond plants to thrive and don’t risk the danger of spray back from fountain pumps leading to damp. You may need to access all sides of the pond too.

If building a waterfall build it into the natural landscape as much as possible. A waterfall on it's own in the middle of a flat garden will look unnatural and strange. A waterfall would look much better built up against a natural boundary such as a fence or hedgerow.

Build your pond where it is easy to view

Consider building your pond where it can be easily viewed from the house. This can be especially important if you have young children so they can enjoy viewing the pond behind the safety of glass. Also consider outdoor viewing points and consider where seating might be incorporated for comfortable outdoor viewing.

Build your pond away from trees

Don’t build your pond beneath overhanging trees. Though, it may look appealing you will have trouble with fallen leaves and blossom filling your pond. Tree roots may well prove to be a hindrance too – both in the excavation and after the pond build.

Ensure your pond receives regular sunlight - not too much!

Try to build in a spot that receives sunlight for at least half of the day. This will encourage your pond plants to thrive and will be a more enjoyable place to visit. Too much sun and your pond will encourage too much algae growth and could go green.

Avoid boggy ground

Don’t build on boggy ground – a high water table could lead to problems with water getting under the pond liner.

Ensure pond perimeter is level

Is your garden flat or on a sloping site? Streams or cascades can look effective, but a built up waterfall on a flat site can look out of place. If all sides of your pond excavation are not level then pond liner will be exposed where the pond is shallow. Stone faced pond liners can be used to make exposed pond liners look more natural.

Consider your neighbours when pond building

Finally, please consider your neighbours thoughts. We all love the sound of flowing water but you can have too much of a good thing. If you want a roaring watercourse then consider using an adjustable Y piece so you can switch the waterfall on/off or simply down to a lower flow. The taps on the Y-piece can be used to redirect some or all of the flow straight to the pond and could be used to switch off your watercourse at night time.

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