Pond Pumps - What makes one brand different to another?
<p>Beans – which beans should I go for? Are you like me? Do you think ‘shall I pay a little extra for the branded ones?’ or go for the supermarket own label? Don’t they taste pretty much the same? Heck, they are probably made in the same factory!?</p>
<p>The same applies to our industry; many times I’ve had a customer call asking if a pump (which has more or less the same functionality) is cheaper for a reason? Is it not as good as the expensive one? Basically it boils down to brand power, once a brand has been established they can charge a premium price, so don’t let the cheaper priced pump deter you from making that purchase and always get advice from the retailer such as Pondkeeper, we will give you an honest review and if there has been reliability issues we will tell you. No smoke and mirrors just clear honest advice.</p>
<p>It’s really worth looking at the running costs too, the energy costs mean that two pumps with very different initial prices can actually over the long run, let’s say 5 years, end up costing more or less the same! For example, the Oase Aquamax Eco Premium 10000 is a whopping £250 more expensive than the PondXpert Pond Push Pump 10000 but with yearly running costs of £126.14 and £168.19 respectively, over 5 years the Oase unit works out only £50 more. Just something worth considering…let me know your thoughts…on pump prices not beans..! J</p>
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