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Pond Liner Guarantees and Repairs

<p><img style="float: right;" src="" alt="4 Ways To Repair Pond Leaks And Prevent A Swampy Yard" width="300" height="189" />If you see the surface of your pond falling, you should investigate quickly. This could be a sign of a faulty liner, hose or connections. A leaky pond cause big problems for your fish, so it is worth checking this out quickly.</p> <p>Before purchasing a new liner, we recommend that you find the cause of the leak, check the guarantee on your liner to see if the fault would be covered under your warranty or find out if the fault can be repaired. Often, a repair is much cheaper and easier than installing a new liner.</p>
<p><strong>Finding the cause of the leak</strong></p> <p>Often, ponds lose water due to a fault in your liner, hose or connections. You should top up your water and turn any equipment off. This will identify if the fault is with your liner or hose/connections.<br />&bull; If the pond surface continues to fall, there is a problem with your liner.<br />&bull; If the surface of your pond remains static and does not fall, double check your hose &amp; connections.</p> <p>If your water continues to drain, then the liner has a fault. There are two ways in which you can proceed:<br />&bull; Allow the pond to be drained; when the water stops leaking, the leak will be just above the surface of the pond. Please check the liner above the surface of the water to locate the fault.<br />&bull; You can pour a glass of milk into the pond and, as the water is drained, the milk will be drawn to the hole in the liner. The milk is fish friendly and will not harm your pond.</p>

Pond Liner Guarantee Details (Useful Blogs: Pond Liners and Underlay)

Pond Liner Guarantees and Repairs Content 3 Image 1

The liners we sell are covered against manufacturing faults. While the faults are exceptionally rare, they could include a frayed edge or a faulty seam which may cause the water to leak. These liners are not guaranteed against damage caused by tree roots, underground animals, pets, installation problems or accidental damage. Liners must be installed using a proper underlay; the guarantee is void if you do not use underlay.

Some of our liners also have varying guarantees; these are outlined below.

Flexiliner Guarantee
• The liners are the same thickness regardless of the guarantee. The manufacturers have assured us that the product will remain stable for a minimum of 15 years up to 40 years plus, dependent on where it is installed.
• We must insure ourselves against anything lasting longer than 15 years as the guarantee rests with us. This is reflected by the price difference.
• The Flexiliner’s guarantee is void if installed outside of the UK as it is not guaranteed to last in areas with higher UV levels.

PVC Liners Guarantee
• The manufacturers have provided different guarantees based on the thickness of the liners. 
• The 15-year guarantee covers the 0.3mm thick PVC liner. Whereas the 30-year guarantee will cover the 0.5mm thick PVC liner.

Rubber Liners Guarantee
• This guarantee will cover the EPDM/Greenseal, Butyl and Firestone liners.
• The guarantee on the rubber liners is 40 years on liners up to 140 square meters. On liners over 140 square meters, this guarantee is reduced to 20 years.

Pond Liner Guarantees and Repairs Content 4 Image 1Types of Repairs

If you have managed to locate the fault in your liner, there are different repairs that you could use. The repair will depend upon the type of liner you have purchased.

Flexiliner, EPDM/Greenseal, Butyl, and Firestone Liner Repairs
Repair Patch Kit – These kits include a length of Cold Glue and a patch of liner. These patch kits will not work underwater and will only work with our Flexiliner and Rubber liners. This will not work with a PVC liner.
Repair Sealant – We sell a Hutton’s Gold Label Sealant; it is an adhesive that you can use to attach two parts of the liner together. It is primarily used when joining liners together. These sealants can be used underwater and with various materials.

PVC Repairs
PVC Repair Kit – This repair kit will include a PVC-specific glue and a patch which can be used to repair your PVC liner.

Pond Liner Guarantees and Repairs Content 5 Image 1How to Repair a Pond Liner

Repair kits should always be used on a dry liner where possible; while they can be used underwater, it is unlikely that the repair will last.
• Locate the area to be repaired.
• Apply the adhesive you are using, whether it is the Cold Glue adhesive or the Hutton’s Gold Label Sealant.
            • Warm up the Cold Glue by rubbing it in between your hands; this makes it more malleable.
• Place the adhesive on the faulty liner and apply the patch kit.
• Leave it to harden over 24-48 hours depending on the weather.
• You may find it beneficial to sand the surface area before using the adhesive.

If you do need any further assistance, please email us on

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