Pond Algae Solution - Watercress?
<p>All pondkeepers know that if we are blessed with a good summer with a lot of sunshine it can seriously affect the look of the pond. It can really increase algae growth in the pond and leave the water looking green, cloudy and sometimes resembling pea soup!</p>
<p>I had one customer call with a solution that I’ve heard only once and never again...Whether it works or not is for you to experiment…his solution is WATERCRESS!!</p>
<p>This customer planted beds of cress in small planting baskets immediately in front of where his waterfall entered the pond and he claimed that his green water problem was eliminated forever. Why not give it a go and let us know!?</p>
<p>We are always on the look out for solutions to <a title="green water problems with ponds" href="http://www.pondkeeper.co.uk/subcat.asp?SubCatID=58">green water problems with ponds</a> - if you find something that works and we don't currently stock it please get in touch and we will share the information with the rest of our pondkeeping friends</p>
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